Saturday, June 1, 2013

Advice: The Hook (affected arm/hand)

The affected hand, for instance, my left hand and arm has always given me issues.  Throughout the thirty years; I have learned how to compensate or hid it. In junior high; is where I can remember the most at being judged besides more recently with my hand and my arm. Did it hurt? Yes. The nicknames created for me hurt. Kids and adults without standards for themselves are pure mean to different people, such as myself.

Again; from brushing my teeth, to brushing my hair, running, walking,to making food, typing, folding clothes, making my bed, taking vitiams, and holding objects: I have learned how to hid and compensate  my hook of the affected arm and hand.

I look at my affected side and move my left hand and left arm and put it on my left hip. I hold it tight. With the clasp of my left hand and not feeling it I sometimes sweeze too tight. However; I mostly can not feel my left hand sweezing to tight due to the lack of feeling. I also will look at my left side and place my left arm/hand on the table and hold onto that. This will ensure that the hook will not come out.
Running or walking; I tend to hold the dogs leashes with my left wrist. I then put an object in my left and or look at my left side and move my left hand to my hip while running. I also will bring in my left arms and hold it to the side as I swing my right hand. I will write more for running or walking in my running/walking blog section.

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