Sunday, December 2, 2012

Check out line: Grocery Stores

I make sure I am in a line that allows a little more patience or the self checkout.

I recently have been using a lot more coupons or the buying deals to shop so I tend to go to a cashier.
This way I know that my discount occurs.

At the beginning of my trip I put my reusable bags into my cart. This makes it less stressful at the check out line.

I also put items onto the belt as soon as I can and organize all items with eachother. I then, while the person in front of me is paying, I get my card for the grocery store I am at as well as my payment.

This makes it all much easier for me to take the time that I need to ensure I do things at a pace as a normal person in line.

Grocery Store Shopping

I do enjoy going to the store to find the deals and learn from a group of friends on saavy buying.

The best way to go shopping is to have it all in front of you, to have a plan of what you need at the store.

I find it difficult; if for instance, I have an e-coupon but not in front of me or a print out of what my e-coupon is.
All survivors will have a different path they need to take to accomplish goals.

I am not the best with audio. I need to visually see something to start to understand what it is that I need at the store.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Pet Therapy as a child

As a child, at times, I could relate better with animals-i.e. horses or dogs.

Sometimes at my friends birthday parties; I w2ould end up spending more time with the birthday kids dog then the birthday party. I do not know when I realized that this was apart of my disability of when I realized how hard it can be for me to speak to people. Brain injury is an interesting condition. The condition of the brain sometimes does not allow people to get the words that they think they are saying. Sometimes it is only said in your head because you cannot get the words out of your mouth. A dog or horse understand this and have a sense for the disabled who cannot speak but the body can express the need. The horse or dog can read this.

This is what, as a child, I lived with. Recently; in 2009, was the first time that I started to realize the condition of why this occurs.

So; as a child, I thought I was very different. However; this was just an affect of the stroke.

My Pet Therapy: Bealla

This is my dog, Bealla "Bay-a". Bealla is about the best therapy ever provided to me.
We had a dog in high school-thru college, Midnight. We also had a dog, Muffy when I was a baby-three years old. A previous blog was posted with Muffy, my parents and me. Muffy always calmed me down.

Bealla is my resource to live life to the fullest and provide a sense of calming me down. As I write this, she is laying right beside me.

She understands my needs and when to help out.
For example; today, we took an hour long walk/hike. The walk has hills. We were walking down the hill. She understands that she cannot go that fast. Reasoning; my balance is not well walking down hills. Therefore; to ensure my balance is steady, I go down hills slowly. This maybe small to someone but this is my life and what I need to lead a normal life.

Many more examples can be provided; she is my ability to ensure life is great!

Above is my Bealla Claus for the holiday season. To you and yours!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Facebook Page: Stroke Foundations/Purposes

Many foundations and/or purposes have pages on Facebook. The page has "Liked" several of those pages as found throughout the world. Some of the pages are in different languages too.

Facebook Page: Medical Centers

Check it out. Many medical centers throughout the US have been "Liked" to get on the newsfeed links.

Cooking on Thanksgiving process

Thanksgiving is a great time to be with family and friends.
Lots of cooking occurs. It can be stressful at times. However; it is some of the best food of the year.

Like this year; I cooked the night before for my dish and brought it to my parents in the crock pot. I cooked our lunch-Chili. It was great; I watched a movie and started cooking it at 6:30p.m. on Wednesday. It made Thursday so much more relaxing.

I did cook the cornbread at my parents for ingrediant purposes.

Overall; find a strategic plan to cook that works best for you with no stress/or at least with the least stress possible.

Shopping on big days like Black Friday!

What I do-

I shop with people, my sisters and Mom. We have been doing our route etc... for at least eight years. Therefore; it is routine for me. Routinue is needed for the survivors.

We have an envelope for the coupons. I normally help Thanksgiving Day organizing. I may hold the envelope in my purse. However; I am not the one that looks for the coupons when getting organized to decide on a purpose or waiting in line. I believe that is a little too stressful for my pace to keep up.

I do howeverm if I am not driving that year, use the car driving time to go through the coupons again. This is a non-fast pace and best for me to not get stressed out.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to those that celebrate the holiday. I hope everyone was/is celebrating with their loved ones.

My family and our dogs walked in the Father Joe's Turkey Trot in San Diego. Awesome experience as year 3 supporting the cause!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Young Stroke Survivors Group

Someone started a great support group via Facebook for survivors. Visit it for a need to communicate with others for stroke! It has already been useful for me!

Facebook and LinkedIn Sites

We are up to 37+ Likes for the Facebook Page. Please visit our page to see all the links that the community of stroke has to offer. Please feel free to visit for the LinkedIn Account for the articles on stroke. Many articles and people who are linked to stroke our on the Foundation Facebook Page. The stroke community is strong and many has many opportunities for support.

Website updates

The Foundation website will be updated this week. I will post a blog when the website is up-to-date.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Stroke Items worn

I wore the Strike out at Stroke T-Shirt for the 10 mile run in Irvine/Newport Beach.

I wore my Training to End Stroke Band. The band is worn to remind you of why you run and train to particpate in marathons/ running activities. My band says my name along with my Father, Joe. Many men in my family have the name, Joseph. So, yes, it is my father. I know it is stroke related. However; he has heart-related, as well as, his father, my grandfather.

I wore my ribbon-the stroke survivor ribbon. Yes; it is purple! It is also my background of the facebook page for the foundation.

Today is World Stroke Day

Today, after I got off of work; Bealla (pronounced-"Bay"-"a") and I went for a run. We ran 3 miles in support of the stroke day. It was a great feeling!

Sunday: for World Stroke Day

I have several friends and family throughout the world. Therefore; when I ran on Sunday it was Monday in places such as Australia.

I went to the place I know the best for running, train of thought and a sense of recovery for my stroke and life after: Irvine/Newport Beach. I ran 10 miles in the area I used to run with Training to End Stroke. This area is the Bay Bridge/ Back Back/ Upper Bay in the Newport Beach Preserve location off of the freeway 405/5.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Running in Irvine/Newport Beach

It took me 1.5 hours to run/walk 10 miles. It takes about 1.15 hours to drive to Irvine/Newport. It takes another 1.15 hours to drive back. Therefore; it took the entire morning. I am now up after a nap and eating. I feel great!
I am a little exhausted... but enjoying my ability that I still have it in me to go out and run on a day I have not trained for. I am not the fastest. I run for exercise, enjoyment and the stroke therapy it provides. I wish I could of brought my dog, Bealla but the heat is out in the 80 degree weather. This is too hot for her.

World Stroke Day!

I did it! I ran 10 miles in my old area and it felt great. I am not running a marathon anytime soon.... But it felt good to express my appreciation for the stroke movement of recovery with what allowed me to move forward.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Sunday: the day before: World Stroke Day

I will be going to Irvine/Newport Beach to run in the area that I learned that it is ok to freely speak about my stroke.
I do not know how long I will run; anywhere from a 5 mile to 18 mile run. It sometimes is like Forrest Gump. I will stop running when I feel I need to stop.

World Stroke Day: My way to support the day

I will go running: As this is the way that I was able to express my thoughts and move forward as being a stroke survivor.

I ran with Training to End Stroke. This does still exist. I just found out and was so happy. Training to End Stroke has a Facebook Page.

I will be wearing either my Stike Out Stroke T-Shirt or my Training to End Stroke Workout shirt.

World Stroke Day: Resources

Visit the Facebook Page for World Stroke Day Campaign or Stroke Awareness Page



Stroke Awareness website:|mkwid|sf6cioYd2|pcrid|16132130284

World Stroke Day Campaign:

Monday is World Stroke Day

Date: 29
Date: October 29, 2012

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Facebook and LinkedIn websites

check out both of the Winandy In-Uteri Stroke Foundation.

I am working at posting articles-learning how to do both at one time.

I am also linking into each of the people that have had strokes..

These people include famous icons such as:
Kurt Douglas
Sharon Stone
Teddy Bruschi
Dick Clark
Kevin Sorbo

I am also working on the Likes for Facebook.

This will provide resources and links for survivors, caregivers or others interested in stroke to find the resource needed.

botox for stroke survivors

Yes; it was a great suprise to me too... But check it out in this edition of the 2012 Stroke Connection. Botox can be used to help survivors operate the body better.

I will now ask my doctor to see if this will help with the limp in my right leg.

Training to End Stroke

If you are a survivor or a caregiver or someone linked to stroke and have the interest to run a marathon/5 K/ half-marathon-train with Training to End Stroke.

This was my support group to help me move forward to talk about my stroke. It was also the time in my life that I realized that it was ok to have had the stroke and I am ok the way I am.

Please visit the facebook page-
Training to End Stroke -for more information
go to the website:

Stroke Connection Magazine


If you are a survivor, caregiver or would like to learn more about the magazine follow the web link above.

Freedom from Workplace Bullies

Please go to the link to see what the Freedom from Workplace Bullies did this past week...

The Freedom from Workplace Bullies was October 14, 2012-October 20, 2012.

Also; please read through the WBI-Workplace Bullying Institute for additional help to move forward from bullies.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

article read:

New on the MedlinePlus Coronary Artery Disease page:
10/08/2012 08:00 PM EDT

Critics worry that the push for good outcomes may reduce access to care for sickest patients
Description: Image removed by sender. HealthDay news image

article to read:

10/08/2012 08:00 PM EDT

Technique uses multiple images to improve chances of diagnosing coronary artery disease

Verbal Communication: Hardship

This is a difficult piece that I have found throughout my lifetime.

I have a hard time trying to say what I need to say. This will always be something that is hard for me.

However; people take this as being rude and standoffish.

This is a way to make sure that I only say things that make sense.
The thought process to communication of a brain injury is not always from a point A statement to point B statement. Therefore; being aware of how communication is delivered is important.

The best advice; stick to yourself., believe in yourself. If people feel the need to bully you and belittle you based on how you are able to communicate; these people have bigger problems then you. This is not someone that is best for a survivor to associate with.

It is true; people do get a kick out of making people feel this small to avoid an issue they are dealing with. At the end of the day; realize those people have larger issues than you and you need to act bigger than them. Do not go to the level of them.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

high heels

This is something I look at all the time as I prepare to wear shoes.

Today, I normally only wear small high heels. I used to wear a lot of high heels.

I normally wear wedge high heel shoes.

The stroke side; my instance the left; the shoe will always wear down faster on a high heel. The high heel on that shoe will be at an off balance.  The shoe heel will start to slant. This is normal. Wear the shoes still but understand that you may have that incline difference on that specific heel and pair of shoe. It took me awhile to understand that.

Suggestion; Buy the padded high heel shoes with a large base and/or wedge high heels. These heels tend to take longer than the other high heels to wear down on the stroke affected shoe. This will provide the opportunity for you to wear and keep that shoe for a longer period of time.

People; do make comments to me about my high heel, my limp and about that my heel is ready to break off. It happens. The best thing to keep in mind; or what I keep in mind- Do to others as you want done to you.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


This is something that I do all the time. I repeat what I just said.

This is something to keep in mind and it is common. I have learned when I do this by social or professional awareness.

As a survivor; I believe the best suggestion is to recognize thet social and/or professional signals of awareness. The other best thing to do is what to talk to figure out what thoughts you can structure to not repeat.


I have a challenge with wearing buttons. For instance; today, I wore a button down cardigan and missed the lining up of the buttons. I went to work. I was not informed by anyone. Seeing my buttons mismatched is hard enough but being in a professional setting does not help.

Friends and family will inform but give the time needed to find the mistake. However; it changes when you are in a professional setting.

Advice; try to alter your professional wear to only have buttons on your pants. Shirts/blouses/ Jackets can be worn but with buttons that do not need to be button. Those buttons are more just for show.

Monday, October 1, 2012

eating ice cream

Eating ice cream of any type of item similar is a task. I can only have this in my hand while eating. I also use a cup holder to grab with my left hand while I use my right, full functioned hand to eat. My left hand can grasp things very tightly and cause items like ice cream/shave ice to pop out of the cup/cone.

May 2013: First Annual Golf Tournament

Funds from the tournament will provide the ability to move forward with opening a resource center. The center is primarily to provide tutoring, support group meetings, and resources for college/high school/junior high (middle school), and elementary school.

May is stroke awareness month. The tournament will be held in the San Diego County or Orange County area of California during the month.

Golfing: Therapy

This is a great therapy and sport to play and participate in as a survivor. This is also the reason why this will be the first fundraiser for the organization. The golf tournament will be in May of 2013. May is stroke awareness month.


Mazes have always been a challenge... Here is an example of one that made it difficult for me to complete with the request for me to be the leader.

The best position; a helper not a leader for mazes.

October: National Disability Month

Sunday, September 30, 2012

2012: 30th: Anniversary of my Stroke

I spent the day with a good friend and her boyfriend in Eugene, OR. I had never been to Oregon. It is a great state to visit as my something new.

This is also trying something new; the famous Voodoo Doughnut....

Purses: for the women stroke survivors

Purses; I love my purses. I unfortunately; also know which once I can and can not use on a consist bases.

I love using all my purses but some of them are eaiser for me to use then others.

I need a daily, everyday use purse that allows the use of my touch sense to identify where the item is that I need.

I need to keep my keys in the top right zipper pocket of the purse. My wallet is one of the bigger items so it is ok to have in the body of the purse. My cell phone also goes with my keys.
My sunglasses and glasses are two different touches so I know which is which.

If I change purses it can be difficult. Therefore; I try to use the same purse for a long period of time to ensure I know where each item is in the purse.

Structure is important for my purses; as a daily use.

My purse also remains at the front of the condo; ready to go for the next day or next outing out of the house.

Stroke Resources

The best resource besides a support group;

Stroke Connection Magazine. This is one magazine I look forward to reading each time I get it in the mail.

There is always something new in the magazine that I did not know about why I do the things I do. It has helped me to understand the way I do things and to live my life with more understanding of who I am.

Checking in and checking bags for flights

Southwest; I learned when I first started flight them; check in 24 hours early to get into thet A group. Most of the time this works;

Checking in my bags; I use skycab! They are nice and have people skills. I always provide a $2.00 tip per bag.
I believe it is worth  to use the skycab;
1) the line is shorter
2) they are nicer workers
3) the process moves and I am a happy camper not unhappy based on customer service.
4) my bag has never been lost for good
5) you do not pay for bags

Other airlines; I have learned to check-in 24 hours early.  These check-ins also provide you the opportunity to print a boarding pass.

Other airlines; I try to use the skycab; however, since on a budget and being at airports very early; I do not mind waiting in line at those airports inside to check my bags. Also; these airlines cost $20.00-$25.00 per bag to check them in. Therefore; I do not want to pay another fee as a tip too. However; this is the best option; one less item not to track while in the airport traveling from location to location.

Traveling: Flying: getting onto/exiting off the aircraft

What I do for this is routine every time....

Once I get to the gate; I put my proof of identification away.

Once they announce boarding will start in 5 minutes;

I get my purse organized from my carry-on bag organized.

The items that I need to use for the flight duration will all be placed in my purse. My purse is easier to open on the aircraft while en route to the destination than opening up my carry-on bag.

I tend to open up both bags; if I feel comfortable around the person sitting next to me or it is a family or friend sitting next to me.

I also check to ensure I have my boarding pass in my side pocket. I always check my flight seat; if not a Southwest Corporation. If it is a Southwest Corporation flight; I do not worry about my boarding pass as much.

My carry-on bag goes under the seat first and then my purse goes ontop of that. With seats now-a-days; my carry-on and purse all fit under the seat with room to spear for my legs to stretch during the flight.

Flying: Traveling

This has been my en route for most of 2012.

I have this process down packed.

It is best to check a bag;

1) one less thing to look at/for
2) one less piece of luggage to bring around the airport with you.
3) to make life a little eaiser by reducing what you need to check. Having too many multiple items to deal with is too much.
4) Always make sure you do not have anything distracting you too much; i.e. talking on your phone. Call that person once you get to your gate.

Going through security; read articles to understand which lanes to go into; I always listen to the WallSteet Journal. I always get in a line with the most well traveled or business; not in the priority lane.

Always have your proof of id in your pocket with the boarding tickets/ always have your liquid bag on the top of your opened purse to take out without a problem.

Once you get your boarding ticket approved; get in the line you see fits best with your needs;

get in line,
open your (carry-on extra) bag. This is the other one not your purse.
If you have your laptop with you; make sure it is easy to take out or take it out during the line to get a bucket for security.

If you have socks on; undo-your shoes or get them ready to take them off.

If you have a hard time with taking off the extra layer of clothing; i.e. a jacket/coat/blazer-take it off before you go through the check point of them checking your proof of identification and boarding pass. you can also take it off or get ready to have them take it off once you get to the line to put your stuff into the bin.

Once you get a bin; get three
1) shoes/purse/ liquid bag
2) carry-on bag/ jacket/coat/extra layer of clothing that will need to come off
3) laptop

Once you go through the security clearence and your bags come through the conveyer belt;

pick up the first bin; take your laptop out and place on the end with the rest of the bins then pick up your carry-on bag, place it on your shoulder, as well as your jacket/coat/blazer then pick up your purse-also put it on your shoulder and put the liquid bag in the purse- the purse should be open to do this quickly/hold onto your shoes then place both of the other bins in the bin holder.

Walk over to the sit down stations to re organize yourself.

This always takes a few minutes to sit down/ put on your shoes-put the laptop back in the carry-on bag, as well as identifying the gate to head too.

driving: traveling

Traveling with a friend;
I get all my stuff together and packed the day before or morning of. I try to do last minute items; if needed before I leave. What is ready to go goes by the front door. This is a signal to me that it is complete and ready to go with me on my trip!

I either pick up a friend or a friend picks me up.  We drive and have a great time.

Traveling by myself & with my dog:
I try to make sure everything is packed the night before. Reasoning; the day off; if traveling by myself I need to make sure I have time for all the things I forgot about.

Dog items to pack; I get all this organized the day before except for the food and drink bowls. This way; if I forget, I can always use that extra time to pack it the day of the travel.

My memory is what makes me think of the things I need that I forgot about.

A list helps to an extent but is not the keeper for me. However; I have noticed that it does help to have a check off pad for traveling does help too.

Traveling: Process

I travel by myself quite a bit. 2012; I will go on seven trips to different places via plane. I will also have gone on one driving trip by myself. I also have been on one driving trip with a friend.

Therefore; I do get out and see the world with my own two eyes and enjoy seeing friends, family and new places.

The best advice for a survivor; get everything organized before you travel.


Only 2.5 % of people that say that they are multi-taskers are. The rest just do one item extremely fast and move onto the next.  The WallStreet Journal's article is

I am not a great muti-tasker.  I am a great task completer with the movement from one project to the next or from one project half way done to the next project and then go back to the first project.

Therefore; for most; I am at a normal pace personally with household cleaning needs or
Therefore; professionally, I am at a normal spot too.  Projects are always completed within a reasonable time and completed with excellance.

This provides information to a reader as a survivor; it is ok to do one project and at time. The project always will be done at a top notch within a reasonable amount of time. This is what you want; the ability to know you can do it and do it well!

Steep: up hill and paved hiking

Diamond Head on Oahu:

If you are completing a paved/up hill path; make sure you know your ability to do so. I am a marathoner and was able to complete the journey in my day shoes in HI. However; the shoes that I wear to run would have been more appropiate based on the extent of steep incline. The steep incline was a little more steep than a regular walk on a normal day.

Unpaved Walking for the survivor

If you are walking on an unpaved street for exercise, an adventure and or activity: Make sure that you are prepared with proper gear. If not; the uneven balance is not easy for the already troubled balance you already have.

Pictures are below of the path for an uneven pavement

Hiking in Oahu, HI

I was hiking on one of the three points in Oahu. I only did one. I also only did it half-way. This is a hike for prepared hikers; not necessarily a trained marathoner.

I could only go half way because my left side; the affected side of my stroke; can physically only do so much without the help of other items. Other items include, ropes, people, traction and professional hiking gear to support the lack of strength on my left side.

This made me feel really upset and weak. However; I am not. The realistic item for a survivor; you have limits and need to know them. I tried and saw how far it would take me. It took me far and I did it. However; I could not do the whole thing. This was hard, but I am proud of myself for doing it!

Below are photos to view of the hike and why I could no longer go forward with my physcial strength of only one side.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pouring drinks at out to eat places

This has always been a challenge for me.

When I go to places to eat-wheather it is coffee to pop to water; it is always something that I need to concentrate on and not have other items to complete.

What is the best advice; keep the rest of your hands free so that way it is eaiser to reach the ice for the pop machines or pouring coffee from a mug.

Always take your time; but beware of others and let them get in to use other items that you are not. This will speed up there process and allow you to do things at your own pace.

Always slant your pop cup for the pop machine. Always place your coffee mug on the counter. These tactics give you less room for something to go wrong or spill.

Carry any item with two hands if it gets to be too much too.

Remember take your time and do it on your time not others to get your pop or coffee.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Today is the day!

please check Linkedin and Facebook.... the pages are up and running on the site to start on my 30th anniversary of my stroke!

Have a great day! Live Life!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

One week

It is one week before my anniversary and getting ready to launch the foundation.

Friday, September 7, 2012

importance of my left-hand pointer finger

This is the most important finger for my left-hand/side. My left-hand; in my stroke case does not have any to little motor skills.
Therefore; my left-hand pointer finger has the most of all of the fingers motor skills.

I use the pointer finger; guided by right-hand to go to one key only. The finger does have the ability ; if placed correctly; to hold down keys and apply the needed pressure for the keyboard key to work.

Car: windows-channel changing-volume:
I use the pointer finger of my left-hand to apply pressure on the the key needed to apply the information needed; i.e. changing the channel to volume to opening up a car door window for air.

Going out to eat: Fast Food: Filling your drink at the Fountain

This is a challenge and something that you think will not be a challenge but it is.

What I do is hold my cup with my left hand that needs to be filled at the fountain. When the weight of the fountain drink cup fills up; I change hands and use my hand hand to hold the drink. I then use my left pointer finger to push the drink of choice.

I then only carry the full fountain drink in my right-hand. The weight is too heavy for my left.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Speaking in groups

It does not matter if it is professional or personal; I do not speak that much in a group setting. I am better speaking one-on-one or in a small group of friends or team members.

It is sometimes hard to get the words that I need to get out of my mouth. Therefore; it is best to speak around those I trust or can communicate with. I often forget what I was about to say, and half the time I cannot remember what I was trying to say. I also sometimes cannot structure the communicate correct and stop myself from speaking. This presents less confusion.

I do however sometimes speak and it comes out all wrong. The response/question/comment is not structured towards the conversation and it makes it hard to feel "in" the group conversation.

I email/write things down quite often to ensure my communication makes sense or is understood.
I always double check emails after I send to double check my personal/professional communication to another. Sometimes this is my easiest way to communicate with others.

Best suggestion; learn your communication method and learn when the confusing/misunderstood times are.  Look to others to identify the communication method that best fits your opportunity to inform others of the response/comment/question to the topic.

pumping gas

This is always a difficult process, but something I get done weekly or every nine days. I use my right-hand to get the pump organized and move my left-hand to hold up the pump.

My left-hand cannot hold the pump soly by itself. My left-hand waits for the right-hand to put the

Facebook webpage

The page is in the process of being created. I will post the link by September 13th, 2012.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Cooking: Picking up an appliance full of food

I enjoy getting ready to eat the food I create.

However; each time I cook it does not get easier in dealing with reality.

When I cook in an appliance and need to pick it up to distribute the food onto a plate or another appliance.

The reasoning: My left wrist/arm/hand does not have the strength or the motor skills to hold it up. My right hand compensates for it and I use my right hand for to change inbetween holding the appliance up to distributing the food onto the plate/appliance. I understand my body well enough to understand when the left hand can no longer help out. The timeframe between changing my right hand to use it changes more rapidly at that point.

Cooking: Chopping

I enjoy cooking. However; the process is a bit of the reason I cook simple food creations.

Chopping is hard to place my left hand so my right hand can do the cutting.

I have created my own way to cut any item that needs to be cooked with my food.

This is a challenge. I am aware that they have a one-hand cutting board to make life easier. However; I have not found it.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

16 and driving

This was one of the hardest challenges for me.

Taking Driver's Ed went well. The time to take the test was long enough and quiet enough for me to take the test.

Three Driving Lessons:
This was difficult. The driver instructed did not know about my situation and was a little rough around the edgs.
Therefore; I do suggest to have patience and work on practice makes perfect.

Taking the written test at the DMV. I passed after the second time.

However; I failed my driving test three times and had to re-take the written test. In total; I failed my driver's test four times.

I finally got my driver's in May of 1999. This was on my fifth attempt and also at a new location, in Escondido not Poway, California.

Keep in mind; It will take you twice the time as an individual without having a stroke to accomplish the same goals.

Stay Determined... You can do it... It took me; 5 times in over a six month period to accomplish the goal.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Study Aboard: Disabled Student Services

I studied abroad in the fall of 2004. I studied abroad in the country; England, United Kingdom.

Before going  over to the United Kingdom; I organized with both universities my disabled student services needs.

In England; I had tutoring sessions.

If papers were due on Wednesday, I had till Friday to turn in my paper. I had tutoring and review sessions of my papers to fit the different english styles of writing.

Study Abroad: Test Taking

In England; I had tutoring sessions and extra time on tests. My extra time on tests consisted of .5 more time added.

example) If test time for class was 1 hour. I got 1.5 hours to complete the test.

San Diego State University: Disabled Student Services: Test Taking

Test taking for finals and for regular course tests helped me to do my best. I did this for every test possible.

I recieved time and a half to take tests. Meaning; if a test was 1 hour long; I got 1.5 hours to take the test.

Finals were two hours long. Therefore; I got four hours to take my finals. A few times throughout four years; I did take the full four hours. 

Sometimes my tests were at different times; not at class time due to the hours I needed or other requirements.

I took tests in a seperate room monitored by a proctor. The proctor was outside my room for test and watched me take the tests.

Finals; I sometimes was in a room with several other students taking their tests too. The demand for assistance to take tests was higher.

I order to have this opportunity-I had a folder for my tests and forms that my professors had to fill out and agree to let me take the test in a seperate monitored room. This had to be set-up one week prior to taking the test.

I went to the Disabled Student Services office to sign in for tests and then the procotor would go get my test from the professor.

I would get set-up and start the test.

I ended the test and the proctor took my test and sent it to the professor/department/teacher assistant to grade my paper.

Time to get my grade back:

Sometimes; I would get my grade back at the same times as though that took it in class. Other times; I did not and recieved it a few days later. 

The blackboard program helped me to get my test grades back a lot faster. The program was implemented my junior year of college.

I order to have this opportunity-I had a folder for my tests and forms that my professors had to fill out and agree to let me take the test in a seperate monitored room. This had to be set-up one week prior to taking the test.

I went to the Disabled Student Services office to sign in for tests and then the procotor would go get my test from the professor.

I would get set-up and start the test.

I ended the test and the proctor took my test and sent it to the professor/department/teacher assistant to grade my paper.

Time to get my grade back:

Sometimes; I would get my grade back at the same times as though that took it in class. Other times; I did not and recieved it a few days later.

The blackboard program helped me to get my test grades back a lot faster. The program was implemented my junior year of college.

High School: Disabled Student Services: 9th-12th Grade

Test Taking:
I had the opportunity to take my tests in a room that a Disabled Student Services Teacher monitored my test taking.

This helped me and enabled me to take the tests with the time and concentration needed to succeed.

Application for Colleges:

The Disabled Student Services group helped me with my application to San Diego State University. All helped with the paperwork for the San Diego State University Disabled Student Services application with the application to attend the college.

Junior High: Disabled Student Services: 6th-8th Grade

I had many resources in Northbrook, IL.

Reading Class:

I went to turtoring with a few other students and read aloud the books/assignments.

Writing Class:
I had writing class that overviewed writing.

This course helped me improve my writing skills. I am glad I was in this class.

Study Period/Help Period:
I met with a teacher to review any items of any periods (class courses) that I needed assistance in. In a sense; this is why I value tutoring and the reasoning behind the need for it.

SAT Test

I took this two times. My two tests scores were averaged for the score I provided to schools I applied too.

I did not take these two tests in a seperate room. However; I should have. I believe my score would have been higher and that I was not able to fully concentrate.

Keyboards on Notebooks/Netbooks/ MacBooks

The keyboards on those three electronics is easy/maintain an ability to write 30-40 words per minute.

The keyboard is small enough like my one-hand keyboard to move my hand freely throughout the board. 

Benefits: Disabled Student Services

-included Tutoring
-High Tech Center
-test taking in a seperate room

Enrollment: Ungrad: Disabled Student Services

My application of enrollment for my San Diego State University, ungrad was admitted to include the Disabled Student Services Program.

Several paperwork was submitted to provide information/documentation for the reason/need of the Disabled Student Services program.

Education: Funding: Undergrad

The Department of Rehabilition, California paid for my junior and senior year of college at San Diego State University.

The department paid for was my parking, books, and tuition.
This was one of the greatest gifts that I could ever have.

In order to qualify; meetings occured, paper work was filled out, and tests were completed.

Keyboards on Notebooks/Netbooks/ MacBooks/Laptops

These type of keyboards work with my inability to use two-hands and only use one-hand.

I type about 30-40 words per minute.

My abllity to type 30-40 words per minute is using on-hand with these type of keyboards as well as my one-hand keyboard.

Typing: One-hand keyboard

I use a one hand keyboard that is half the size of a normal keyboard.  I also have a different mouse that is used with the one-hand keyboard.

The keyboard and mouse were provided to me by The Department of Rehabilitation in the state of California.

This is the first time that I ever purchased or was aware of a one-hand keyboard.

This has made my life a lot eaiser. I am very happy I found a tool to help with my inability to use two hands with a regular keyboard.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Music Therapy

Music Therapy is one of the most important ways for me to accomplish projects/goals.

I listen to music consistently. Unfortunately for others; it can be a repeat of the same songs. Therefore; I need to watch what I play, if others can hear.

Artist: Celine Dion...

Yes; it helps me to accomplish goals/projects.
The songs that she sings also calm me down and help my focus go towards project/goal.

No; not the "My heart will go on" but two songs from the decade cd.
My old roommates will inform you; I listen to the same cd round after round.

website link

Address for Foundation

Winandy In-Uteri Stroke Foundation
Post Office Box 500092
San Diego, CA 92150

Preventing: the PSA Affect

I have learned after this weekend with practice-you can learn how to alter or create a less of an affect of the PSA.

Meaning: Practice how to alter your emotions by thinking of different things, having kleenex and or tactic to calm down so the crying is not uncontrollable...

Another way; as a bridesmaid; as one of the other bridesmaids stated; "think of the money that you just spent; you do not want to waste it".

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Laughing: PSA

I have laughing PSA too.

MBA Law Course Presentation:

I was giving a presentation and had to stop because I was laughing uncontrollably. This was in 2009. Therefore; I did not know about my PSA at that time. The laughing lasted for at least five minutes and I had to remove myself from the group to control my uncontrolable laugh.

I finished the presentation.

The laughing PSA can as well be an embarrasement.

Crying: PSA

Being a bridesmaid with PSA:

I learned with one of my closest friends weddings in 2010; I cry uncontrollably if a certain and my PSA will implement.

I also learned with one of my sister's weddings in 2011 that I have PSA as a I cried again uncontrollably.

This past weekend; August 18, I prepared and practiced not crying to walk down the aisle for my best friend's wedding. It worked... I held my crying in for her walk down the aisle.

Living with crying PSA is a little bit of an embarrasement. I only realized that I had this last year. However; this has been affecting me since I was little.

PSA: Learning how to work with it

I read Stroke Connection several months ago. I realized at that time that I had PSA.
PSA is were a survivor will cry or laugh uncontrollably. This is something that has been a struggle for me all my life.

Network for Good Account Set Up

I am in the process of setting up an account for Network for Good. This should be complete by the end of the day.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

2010: San Diego Chapter: Go Red Movement

February 12, 2010 at Hotel Del Coronado. 
I was honored as a survivor through the program. The honor was a page spread of the 944 Photo Shoot and Magazine article presented as the "San Diego Women of Go Red".

Monday, August 6, 2012

San Diego State University: Disabled Student Services: High Tech Center

I was on the cover of a brochure for the Disabled Student Services; High Tech Center at San Diego State University. This was in 2003-2004. Nalalini, the High Tech Employee was one of my biggest motivators/mentors.

Artsbeat:2010: Event Committee Member

This event was held in North Park, San Diego, Mosaic Wine Bar for the Children's Cardiology Foundation. The event was in October of 2010.

Pet Therapy: My first dog, Muffy

Muffy was my first dog. I felt a connection to her and remember that at a young age, knowing I needed a dog/horse around me for therapy. I used to go and sleep next to Muffy most nights of the week. I used to play with her all the time and enjoy the company of a great dog!

Horse Therapy

I have been riding horses since I was two years old. The first picture is me at two years old on a horse led by my Mom. The second photo is of me with my favorite horse, Dancer. I attended horsebackriding camp for six years with some close friends in Wisconsin. The picture was taken at the camp.

Pet Therapy: My dog, Bealla

I got my dog, Bealla, (pronounced-Bay-a) in February of 2010. She was ten months old. She has been one of the best therapies for me. I am a lot calmer, less stressed and it is a true statement-dogs sense when something is wrong. She is one of my best friends and helps me go through life. She is not certified. However; having her around provides what I need through my stroke affects in life.

May: 2012: San Diego Strike Out Stroke

On Tuesday, May 1, 2012: I, along with several other survivors were honored at the San Diego Padre Game. The ame focused on; Strike Out Stroke. We, the survivors were honored with a purple pin and a t-shirt. Major Jerry Sanders of San Diego marked the 1st of May, as San Diego's Stroke Day. The name is; Strike out Stroke. All major hospitals were present for the event coming together to honor, individuals such as myself, caregivers etc....

2009: San Diego Brain Injury Foundation "Walk for Thought"