Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pouring drinks at out to eat places

This has always been a challenge for me.

When I go to places to eat-wheather it is coffee to pop to water; it is always something that I need to concentrate on and not have other items to complete.

What is the best advice; keep the rest of your hands free so that way it is eaiser to reach the ice for the pop machines or pouring coffee from a mug.

Always take your time; but beware of others and let them get in to use other items that you are not. This will speed up there process and allow you to do things at your own pace.

Always slant your pop cup for the pop machine. Always place your coffee mug on the counter. These tactics give you less room for something to go wrong or spill.

Carry any item with two hands if it gets to be too much too.

Remember take your time and do it on your time not others to get your pop or coffee.

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