Sunday, September 30, 2012

driving: traveling

Traveling with a friend;
I get all my stuff together and packed the day before or morning of. I try to do last minute items; if needed before I leave. What is ready to go goes by the front door. This is a signal to me that it is complete and ready to go with me on my trip!

I either pick up a friend or a friend picks me up.  We drive and have a great time.

Traveling by myself & with my dog:
I try to make sure everything is packed the night before. Reasoning; the day off; if traveling by myself I need to make sure I have time for all the things I forgot about.

Dog items to pack; I get all this organized the day before except for the food and drink bowls. This way; if I forget, I can always use that extra time to pack it the day of the travel.

My memory is what makes me think of the things I need that I forgot about.

A list helps to an extent but is not the keeper for me. However; I have noticed that it does help to have a check off pad for traveling does help too.

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