I have learned over the years that the easiest bags for me to purchase are the Easy Slide Zipper as opposed to the zip lock bags. I will buy certain bags over each other not always based on brand but based on the way that it will accommodate my ability to open and close a zip lock bag.
I think that the East Slide Zipper Bags work the easiest for me to open and close the bag in hand. I believe that it is a lot harder to use the Zip Lock Bag. My main items for purchase are for salad; walnuts, dried cherries/raspberries and lettuce. I also love cheese and will choice an easy slide zipper bag over anything else. I also use a bag for my dogs treats when we go on our walks. I use a zip lock bag right now. It is very hard for me to get a grip and then open and close. I would suggest figuring out what works best for you to ensure it will be easier to open and close as well as getting a grip on the bag.
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