The motion of something needs to be in the background.
The closest item to this for basic every day therapy is a
service dog. I need the dog to calm down with stress and anxiety of what is
going on at anything or to help the most important thing to concentrate. The next best thing is the motion of background noise. The background noise consists of music; specifically Celine Dion. After Celine Dion it would be a movie or my favorite show on my computer or TV. I also enjoy having an audio book to listen too.
I would find the musical artists that have the most
influence on the way that you can concentrate and make those artists and the
songs that you tend to repeat the ones that you listen to consistently. This is
when you know you found something to help you out and inspire thought,
concentration and most importantly do the task at hand. In college; I listened
to the same song over and over for at times; eight hours straight. I eventually
got headphones and my own space to ensure that I could complete the task at
hand. For example) In studying for my MBA; working to achieve a higher degree is just work
by itself. Therefore; the time and energy alone is a lot. I actually had to put
in much more effort than a lot of people to be at the same level. However; I
did it. I did it because of my motion of background noise to enable my spirit
of thought, inspiration and the ability to make it a reality that I would accomplish the mission I created of a
goal to get my Masters.
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