Tuesday, June 25, 2013

IPad/Camera Notebooks: The Fingers slipping

I love using these items. When I do use these items; I need to be aware that my affected hand, the left, will slip. My motor skills on my affected hand are not as controlable as my right, the non-affected hand.

I have learned more cleary that my hand, the affected side does that. Therefore; I need to be aware and stop it as fast as possible. I have not fully learned a trick to let it be ok.

BackPacks while going out to amusement parks/fairs

Who does not love to ride roller coasters and amusement rides? Well, for the majority of people; it is a good time fun!

I am an amusement rider and I love to go to many different parks to enjoy it!

This is what I do below. I would try to do something similar to this or find your way through this example and advice.

It is hard to get in and out of the rides in the time allocated for the ride. I do not use the handicap tickets. I do prepare myself to get out and in of the ride in the amount of time. I have narrowed down my way to doing things to a science now! Yes, it is a great feeling.

Backpack and why I use it:
I have a small bag that I bought in England that I use. it is not a full backpack but a mini type like backpack. These mini backpacks fit in all the small sized compartments of the ride. It is also not to heavy. On some of the rides; yes, the back pack does not fit. However; I look for what to do with that prior to the need time and being re active as to being proactive.

Organizing my backpack:
I organize my backpack for the day like I would a bag going out of town on vacation. I do it ahead of time. I then divide what I need in half.

Opening my bag to get items out:
I open up my bag while I am waiting in line. I use the ability that I am waiting in line and the line is standstill for awhile. I enjoy using that time to get what I need done or think that I may want right after the current ride, performance etc.... This works great for me!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Taking Photos: Affected Hand-fingers blocking the light

These photos were taken in 2012 and 2013. These photos have my finger blocking the light for the flash to operate well or my finger in the photo.

I love taking photos. This is one of the reason to take more than the average person.

My left hand and fingers (affected hand/fingers) do not have the motor skills as my normal right hand and fingers.

Advice; I take a lot of photos. I would take a lot of photos to ensure that you get the shots you want for the event or place you are at for. Capture your moments!


I am headed to Disneyland! The Happiest Place on Earth! I am excited!

Disneyland always has an attraction for me to go. I love being around the enviorment and the ability to go on rides and see what the park has done!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

TBI Article: Stroke Survivor: Freedom House

Here is an article I found about my stroke and my TBI as a result. This is to support Freedom House in San Diego.


2,000 Views.... actually 2017 views as of today!

Thank you to everyone!

We reached over 2,000 viewers! We are at 2017!

The support is appreciated to move stroke survivors in a positive direction!

Live Life and Get Excited to experience the life your living!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

2013 San Diego Heart Walk: September 28, 2013

We are registered with the American Heart Association, San Diego Division to walk the 5K as a Community Team! I will be working with a designer to get a T-Shirt made. I will send more information out soon.

Here is the link for the walk if you want to join our team or walk or donate or start your own community team.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Celebrating my MBA with Goofy at Disneyland!

I love Disneyland. My favorite character is Goofy. I find that Goofy has a similar type of sense of humor to I. I went with one of my sister's and her friend. 
Advice; When you have a big celebration like an accomplishment of a MBA-go celebrate for a day!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Sparky: His Ball and Exercise Dog

Sparky, my parents dog, has been a good therapy dog and exercise dog for me since 2008. This is a photo of Sparky looking for his ball at Fiesta Island in San Diego, CA.  Sparky is known for loving two things; eating and playing fetch. He loves his ball. He knows where it is at all times.

I have learned from time to time with him to throw with my affected hand/arm instead as opposed to my non affected hand/arm. I believe that this has given me some recognition to use my affected hand and arm. I am happy to do this and create new strategies for myself to grow.

If you have a dog like Sparky use that to your advantage and every now and then use your affected hand and arm, like me to play fetch or pool fetch. This will give your dog great exercise and it will also give you great exercise plus you are identifying new and great ways to find a way to improve the affected hand/arm.

Not Aware of the affected side while walking

Throughout my time; I have noticed that I do not realize while walking what is on my left side. I am also from the Chicagoland area and walk in the street so there is that too...

However; what I have noticed is that I bump into items or people or objects more on my left. I also have noticed that it is not my right side, the un affected side but always to the left. I believe that this is not to do with my balance but my ability to have my brain function of what is on my left. I am not weak on my left side; to the affect that I cannot do things but my brain does not register that it can be used like my right side.

I am learning to say sorry for running into people. I do not even realize until it happens that I have slightly knocked into someone else or that I am too close. I am starting to learn my surrondings to my left on my own and making a difference. I would start to register if you are doing this too. If so; be aware like me and create a path for you to move forward.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

My affected hand/fingers: Size difference from non affected hand/fingers

This is a picture of my left hand and fingers in 2013. My left hand, according to doctors never reached full development. Therefore; in this picture you can see that my left hand is much smaller and not developed compared to a development hand and/or fingers.

Advice:  It is ok and it is who we were. I did not even know this until 2010 that my left hand was not as  developed. I was actually informed by two doctors that identified this. It was an experience and a wake up call that I really did have some differences and un developed items due to my stroke in-utero as compared to someone who had the stroke while living outside the womb. What I learned and have come to terms with; it is a representation that I am a survivor and I have made it and that I live life each day to the fullest; not holding back. You can do it too.

Gait Wear down on affected side (leg/foot)

This is one of my favorite pair of boots. The above picture shoes the affected leg/foot (left). The shoe shows the gait difference between the right, my normal side compared to my left side. I have a huge gait on my left and my shoes wear down a lot faster. It is not fun but it is reality. I have started to limit my days of wearing high heels to a few when going to work. The reason; to avoid creating a bigger gait  on my favorite shoes/boots/flip flops etc.  I want to use my favorite pair of shoes for the events in life with meaning.

I have started to purchase the brands that are known for comfort. I have also started to purchase the lower high heels (range of high heel 2-4 inches; mostly 2 inches).  As in my other posts; I love shoes and finding the best deals for the shoes that look great.
I love the high high heels but I know that my gait is what it is. I understand it and have learned to accept it. I do not use inserts anymore because of my leg and hip size difference (left-affected side is shorter).
Go and buy the shoes you want. If you buy the high high heels; bring a paid of low flats or flip flops to change into when it gets to be too much. I do this. I put the extra pair of shoes in my purse or in the car I came in.  Shoes are one of girls best friends.... Therefore; if you love shoes like me; embrace it and go buy those shoes you want! Inspire others! Do not worry about the gait with being a survivor!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Doing a new thing: Stroke Anniversary: 2010

This is what I did in 2010 for my birthday, my stroke anniversary. It was a lot of fun to go to Universal Studios. The last time I had been here was in 1998 when we first moved out to the East Coast. I had so much fun. I did it by myself too... 
This is the photo of Matt Damon's parking spot.... Also; I have great parking Karma so I had to take a photo!

Advice: Go do things, new or old, if no one else can go, go do it by yourself!

Make-up for the affected eye and PSA

Friend's Wedding in 2010

2011, my Sister's Wedding

My Sister and I at our other Sister's Wedding

Go Red Event Make-up 2013

Ireland Formal Night out with the Aussie's!

My make-up completed to withstand my PSA during a wedding ceremony, 2012

My friend Rach and I for my MBA Graduation, 2011
Hair and Make-up still all together!

My MBA Graduation, 2011, my hair and make-up

My hair and make-up still lasting with my sister and cousin's hanging out at the end of the wedding 2011

My Go Red Outfit, Hair and Make-up for the 2013 Event

My 30th Birthday Make-up

My make-up and hair in 2012 

My make-up and hair for the 2012 Best Friend Wedding

I thought this was a great photo of my hair and make-up in the sun for the GO Red event

These are all photos from about the past few years (2010-present). I have had my make-up, hair and outfits done for several events (listed above). I like many girls; love getting all dolled up. 
However; with getting dolled up for me comes the concern of my ability to hide my PSA and affected eye (left) from my stroke.

Advice: Inform the team before working on you that you have PSA and ask them to put waterproof items on your face if possible
Whatever works best for a possible hard and short cry while wearing the make-up.

I also inform the Make-up Artist working on me that my left eye is difficult to work with. My right eye, the un affected eye is ok. I believe it is the normal of any eye. My left side, the affected side, is sensitive and it may take a little longer to complete my make-up due to that. 

Therefore; after your first time getting a make-up artist to work on you-see how you are with it. At that point, you will have an idea of what works best for your affected eye and if any PSA tumbles out during the important event to get all dolled up for. 

Getting your Hair done by a Stylist for an event
This is all ok. I do not have any problems getting it done. 

For Eye Lashes:
 think that the fake ones work the best.

Doing your Own Make-up:
Within an hour; I put on two different layers of make-up. I get my make-up bag out and I go through the items that I want to use. 
I then lay all those items out and put lotion on my face. 
I use my right hand to put on all my make-up items.
I use my left pointer while applying eye liner. This is the only time I use my left hand except to also hold the Bronzer. 

I have long eyelashes and do not need to wear any make-up for that. 

Doing your Own Hair:
I have thick hair. Therefore; I start hours beforehand. I tend to straighten my hair. I have two times within an hour and a half that I straighten it two times. 
Straightening your Hair:
I have mirrors that help me see my hair and the process of straightening.
I put the straightner in my right hand to operate the process and the left hand (affected) to follow the lead of my right hand.

Enjoy getting all dolled up most and foremost enjoy it!

Bealla and Sparky: Christmas Adventure: Pet Therapy

Here is Bealla and Sparky, Christmas 2010. This is one of my favorite things to do. I finally got Sparky a little dressed up with antler ears.
These two allow me to be creative. This allows me to de stress and create a non anxiety enviornment for myself.

My pets allow me to live each day with less stress. Find your pet that allows you to de stress and create a non anxiety time.

Bealla and Sparky: My Pet Therapy

Bealla getting her haircut for my Sister's wedding, 2011

Sparky hanging out at Fiesta Island, 2011

Bealla at the Heart Walk, 2010

Bealla and Sparky relaxing, 2011

Bealla and Sparky sleeping and bonding..... 

Bealla after one of her haircut appointments, 2010

Here are more pictures of just Bealla and Sparky from 2010-2012.

I love going to get Bealla's hair cut. Yes, they give her pigtails. It is very cute. 

These are photos from my therapy dogs that help create the path of no stress or anxiety.

Driving Range: Therapy

Here are photos of me and the driving range. I love going to the driving range and hitting the ball. I  grew up with a family of golfers. So; golfing/driving range activities are in my blood (lol).

This is an area for me to go to reduce stress and anxiety from a busy week, day or full week of activities. This week was my cousin's wedding in 2010. I had some many family and friends that it was a little overwelming. I love my family and friends. I sometimes; then get my Aphasia were words are hard for me to speak and I stutter and use my hands to create the word I am trying to say.  Therefore; sometimes, it is best for me to go do something by myself to think and release the anxiety and stress of being around so many people for such an important event.

Drive Range hitting is a great activity that is cost effective to do by yourself too. (i.e. $5.00 for a bucket of balls).

My PSA Affects

 Here is a picture of me right as my PSA was starting. You can see my smile turning into a cry and me trying to hold it back. However; with PSA, as most stroke survivors have, you cannot control it. It is very hard to understand why it happens because it is during a joyous moment. (i.e. my Sister's Wedding, my best friend's wedding, my good friend's wedding, and a presentation during my MBA course).

I know inform people ahead of time to ensure that my make-up is done for crying and or that my presentation is set-up to avoid emotions.

Live life to the fullest. If your PSA happens; it happens. It is apart of why you are as well as me.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Finding a spot to relax and de stress

This is my spot to relax and create a stress free area. I have been going to this area in San Diego since 2004 to think of things and stress and anxiety items.

Advice: I would find a place that is yours and that you are looking to for relaxation and destress. I go here, to the photo location above to think, de stress, get away my anxiety and put my life into a live life approach. This is my sanction area and you can find yours too!

My affected hand

These two photos were taken in the later part of 2012. These are examples that without noticing my hook of the affected hand still appears. All my family and friends support who I am as a person, not something that I physically cannot control.

I have been living with my stroke affects, all my life, 30 years. This is an example of something that just is with the affects. My hook does not come out that often but I want to show that it will happen, like it does with me. I just do not recognize items to my left all the time and this happens that the hook shows.
Live life and take pictures. If your hook appears; it does. It is who we are as survivors and I am ok with it.

The affected eye in photos

 Stephanie and I in Ireland, 2011
MBA Graduation 2011

With my Sisters at our cousin's wedding 2012

MBA Graduation 2011 at Dinner to celebrate!

2011 Birthday Dinner in Canada with my friend Sydney!

Carrie and I the night before Sammie's wedding 2012

Sammie and I at our church St. Norbert for Sammie's wedding 2012

This will always be an issue. It is however you deal with it.  In photos; my eyes close or my left eye squints. It is one of the hardest and annoying items of the affect of the stroke. However, it is apart of why I am. I have learned to have someone take several shots. I have also learned to take the photos myself and figure out ahead of time how to pose.

Advice: Learn when your eye squints the most or eyes close together in photos. For me; it is mostly when I am out with friends and family for events. Example; I ended up messing up our 1989 Kindergarten Photo because of smile and avoiding the squint. Learn who you are and do what is best for you to get the right photo. It took years to practice this and identifying how to make it go away during big  once in a lifetime events (as seen above).

Thursday, June 6, 2013

High Heels for the survivor

Here is a picture of me in 2012 wearing high heels. I love shoes. I love to wear high heels. I wore high heels more 10-5 years ago.
However; I still wear high heels that are at a 2 inch not 4 or 5 inch anymore.  I do still however; have those shoes. As I stated; I love shoes. I do own about 60-70 pairs of shoes. I actually need to organize them.

This is one of the weddings that I was in before the ceremony. The high heels are about 5 inches. Therefore; my limp is easy to identify as I continue to walk. Notice also; my left ankle and left foot are not strong with the motor skills that my left leg slants to the outside making it difficult to walk straight or give the boost to ensure that I will walk forward without any problems. For this wedding; I did have someone right by me at all times due to a large bridal party. Therefore; I was able to ensure someone would catch me in case I lost my balance.

I put flip flops on to drive or I bring flip flops for the end of the night or I go bare foot because of the limp that gets very visable as the night goes on and I have worn high heels for hours. It is very difficult to wear these types of high heels thoughout the night.

Left Heel Gait (affected side) Difference:
My left high heel end wears down much faster giving a slant to my left high heel and not to my right. The high heels also wears down in much part due to my gait. Therefore; after wearing shoes for about a year; I have to stop wearing them consistently. This prevents the high heel from wearing down too fast.

Platform High Heels:
The best type of high heel is a platform.
The best type is Cathy Jean or Nine West.
I have one pair of each. My Nine West shoes have lastest over five years. My Cathy Jean ones have lastest over a few years and look as though I bought them yesterday.

I love boots. I love all types of boots with all types of heights.
I love wearing my boots; but I need to only wear them for periods at a time. The gait of the shoe of my left high heel goes down. This helps me save the boots for a longer period of time.

Advice for wearing High Heels:
Let people stare. I have people stare. People make looks or comments. I will not allow those comments or looks make me turn a head to not move forward and wear high heels. I am a runner. I work out and my high heels should be a good time

Running Shoes and Tennis shoes/fun closed toe shoes

Here are two photos of my running shoes (1st and 3rd) and the middle shoe is my fun closed toe shoe. I enjoy wearing these types of shoes too. 
I wear my running shoes often as I work out or I walk long distances or go hiking. 
I also enjoy finding fun pairs of closed toe shoes such as the middle one. This pair of shoe was purchased to celebrate my 30th Birthday!

All these shoes are the best for my ability of coordination and balance. I think all of these shoes are good for a survivior. These are most likely the best shoes to be wearing to ensure we do have balance and coordination. If I am not wearing flip flops; this is my next choice of shoe to wear.