Sunday, December 2, 2012

Check out line: Grocery Stores

I make sure I am in a line that allows a little more patience or the self checkout.

I recently have been using a lot more coupons or the buying deals to shop so I tend to go to a cashier.
This way I know that my discount occurs.

At the beginning of my trip I put my reusable bags into my cart. This makes it less stressful at the check out line.

I also put items onto the belt as soon as I can and organize all items with eachother. I then, while the person in front of me is paying, I get my card for the grocery store I am at as well as my payment.

This makes it all much easier for me to take the time that I need to ensure I do things at a pace as a normal person in line.

Grocery Store Shopping

I do enjoy going to the store to find the deals and learn from a group of friends on saavy buying.

The best way to go shopping is to have it all in front of you, to have a plan of what you need at the store.

I find it difficult; if for instance, I have an e-coupon but not in front of me or a print out of what my e-coupon is.
All survivors will have a different path they need to take to accomplish goals.

I am not the best with audio. I need to visually see something to start to understand what it is that I need at the store.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Pet Therapy as a child

As a child, at times, I could relate better with animals-i.e. horses or dogs.

Sometimes at my friends birthday parties; I w2ould end up spending more time with the birthday kids dog then the birthday party. I do not know when I realized that this was apart of my disability of when I realized how hard it can be for me to speak to people. Brain injury is an interesting condition. The condition of the brain sometimes does not allow people to get the words that they think they are saying. Sometimes it is only said in your head because you cannot get the words out of your mouth. A dog or horse understand this and have a sense for the disabled who cannot speak but the body can express the need. The horse or dog can read this.

This is what, as a child, I lived with. Recently; in 2009, was the first time that I started to realize the condition of why this occurs.

So; as a child, I thought I was very different. However; this was just an affect of the stroke.

My Pet Therapy: Bealla

This is my dog, Bealla "Bay-a". Bealla is about the best therapy ever provided to me.
We had a dog in high school-thru college, Midnight. We also had a dog, Muffy when I was a baby-three years old. A previous blog was posted with Muffy, my parents and me. Muffy always calmed me down.

Bealla is my resource to live life to the fullest and provide a sense of calming me down. As I write this, she is laying right beside me.

She understands my needs and when to help out.
For example; today, we took an hour long walk/hike. The walk has hills. We were walking down the hill. She understands that she cannot go that fast. Reasoning; my balance is not well walking down hills. Therefore; to ensure my balance is steady, I go down hills slowly. This maybe small to someone but this is my life and what I need to lead a normal life.

Many more examples can be provided; she is my ability to ensure life is great!

Above is my Bealla Claus for the holiday season. To you and yours!