Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Living my dream to help others: Anniversary Month of my Stroke

This month; on the 17th will mark my 31st year with living with a stroke and my birthday. As I start to ponder what this year has been for me or for my life; it is amazing to see my dreams becoming a reality.

Years ago, during my undergrad; I lived abroad. I left 9 years from Today to go live in Birmingham, England-travel to various countries that would eventually change my life forever. What an awesome thing to consider; what you can do to change your life and understand others. I hope that my ambition and life has given others the view of that; you can do what you set your mind too.

Coming up on my 31st birthday; I have traveled to over 13 countries; 26 plus states; in the USA and have friends and family and that I actively work on throughout the years. This is just a part of who I am. However; understanding others is part of my understanding of this world.

Last night; I read an article posted about what I planned to do in the next 5 years; this was in 2008; I said; I wanted to start a donor-advised fund, scholarship fund. This is something that I am working towards as I begin to develop the foundation alongside a center for opportunities for other survivors to ensure they have all the resources to live life to the fullest!

I will write more; the moral of this post; is to look at what you wrote your goals were 5 years ago and see where you are at. I am in the midst of living those dreams out and for the most part on track on helping others move forward with their survival. Also; it is a big day, as I started to live a dream, I never thought I had complete interest but traveling and living abroad changed my life. The joy of were life can take you if you sit back and enjoy all around.

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