Saturday, September 7, 2013

31st Stroke Anniversary Approaching=10 days!

As my 31st birthday approaches; many things, similar to a New Year's Resolution or what you give thanks to for Thanksgiving occurs. This year; is a big year for me. I have been making things start to happen with the foundation, blog and my commitment to start a foundation, in progress of writing my memoir of life as a survivor and strive to live my life to the fullest.


Living life to the fullest would for me; be going to see The Big Bang Theory taping. However; it is all sold out including the standby. I love to laugh and all the actors involved with the show it has gotten me to laugh and think of that as opposed to what I am doing.


So; with the time approaching fast, I am; as I have stated; "If you want that happy meal, then you go get that happy meal if that is what is going to make you happy". In this; it expresses that it is important to go do something if you believe it is the right thing to do to make your life. In that statement; that is what is my thought process of what life holds and what can occur.


In the past few months; many things have come across my path that make you realize what you want to approach and do in life. These are the items in life of illness or a family teaming up to make a change for another family member (i.e. Grandma falling and breaking her hip).  This makes you realize that money does not matter, but you need it, that your good friends and family are there because they love you and that can never be judged, and that you need to get up and do what is on your bucket list and live life to the fullest; if not daily or weekly, but a plan for that time to live life.


As I approach this year's anniversary of my stroke that is what I am focusing on; going to Disneyland to use my Annual Membership and being in a place that innovates to help you create your dream. If I am not going to laugh at the great comedians/actors for The Big Bang Theory; I am going to be in Disneyland with Goofy and Cinderella where all my dreams come true!


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