Monday, October 29, 2012

Stroke Items worn

I wore the Strike out at Stroke T-Shirt for the 10 mile run in Irvine/Newport Beach.

I wore my Training to End Stroke Band. The band is worn to remind you of why you run and train to particpate in marathons/ running activities. My band says my name along with my Father, Joe. Many men in my family have the name, Joseph. So, yes, it is my father. I know it is stroke related. However; he has heart-related, as well as, his father, my grandfather.

I wore my ribbon-the stroke survivor ribbon. Yes; it is purple! It is also my background of the facebook page for the foundation.

Today is World Stroke Day

Today, after I got off of work; Bealla (pronounced-"Bay"-"a") and I went for a run. We ran 3 miles in support of the stroke day. It was a great feeling!

Sunday: for World Stroke Day

I have several friends and family throughout the world. Therefore; when I ran on Sunday it was Monday in places such as Australia.

I went to the place I know the best for running, train of thought and a sense of recovery for my stroke and life after: Irvine/Newport Beach. I ran 10 miles in the area I used to run with Training to End Stroke. This area is the Bay Bridge/ Back Back/ Upper Bay in the Newport Beach Preserve location off of the freeway 405/5.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Running in Irvine/Newport Beach

It took me 1.5 hours to run/walk 10 miles. It takes about 1.15 hours to drive to Irvine/Newport. It takes another 1.15 hours to drive back. Therefore; it took the entire morning. I am now up after a nap and eating. I feel great!
I am a little exhausted... but enjoying my ability that I still have it in me to go out and run on a day I have not trained for. I am not the fastest. I run for exercise, enjoyment and the stroke therapy it provides. I wish I could of brought my dog, Bealla but the heat is out in the 80 degree weather. This is too hot for her.

World Stroke Day!

I did it! I ran 10 miles in my old area and it felt great. I am not running a marathon anytime soon.... But it felt good to express my appreciation for the stroke movement of recovery with what allowed me to move forward.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Sunday: the day before: World Stroke Day

I will be going to Irvine/Newport Beach to run in the area that I learned that it is ok to freely speak about my stroke.
I do not know how long I will run; anywhere from a 5 mile to 18 mile run. It sometimes is like Forrest Gump. I will stop running when I feel I need to stop.

World Stroke Day: My way to support the day

I will go running: As this is the way that I was able to express my thoughts and move forward as being a stroke survivor.

I ran with Training to End Stroke. This does still exist. I just found out and was so happy. Training to End Stroke has a Facebook Page.

I will be wearing either my Stike Out Stroke T-Shirt or my Training to End Stroke Workout shirt.

World Stroke Day: Resources

Visit the Facebook Page for World Stroke Day Campaign or Stroke Awareness Page



Stroke Awareness website:|mkwid|sf6cioYd2|pcrid|16132130284

World Stroke Day Campaign:

Monday is World Stroke Day

Date: 29
Date: October 29, 2012

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Facebook and LinkedIn websites

check out both of the Winandy In-Uteri Stroke Foundation.

I am working at posting articles-learning how to do both at one time.

I am also linking into each of the people that have had strokes..

These people include famous icons such as:
Kurt Douglas
Sharon Stone
Teddy Bruschi
Dick Clark
Kevin Sorbo

I am also working on the Likes for Facebook.

This will provide resources and links for survivors, caregivers or others interested in stroke to find the resource needed.

botox for stroke survivors

Yes; it was a great suprise to me too... But check it out in this edition of the 2012 Stroke Connection. Botox can be used to help survivors operate the body better.

I will now ask my doctor to see if this will help with the limp in my right leg.

Training to End Stroke

If you are a survivor or a caregiver or someone linked to stroke and have the interest to run a marathon/5 K/ half-marathon-train with Training to End Stroke.

This was my support group to help me move forward to talk about my stroke. It was also the time in my life that I realized that it was ok to have had the stroke and I am ok the way I am.

Please visit the facebook page-
Training to End Stroke -for more information
go to the website:

Stroke Connection Magazine


If you are a survivor, caregiver or would like to learn more about the magazine follow the web link above.

Freedom from Workplace Bullies

Please go to the link to see what the Freedom from Workplace Bullies did this past week...

The Freedom from Workplace Bullies was October 14, 2012-October 20, 2012.

Also; please read through the WBI-Workplace Bullying Institute for additional help to move forward from bullies.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

article read:

New on the MedlinePlus Coronary Artery Disease page:
10/08/2012 08:00 PM EDT

Critics worry that the push for good outcomes may reduce access to care for sickest patients
Description: Image removed by sender. HealthDay news image

article to read:

10/08/2012 08:00 PM EDT

Technique uses multiple images to improve chances of diagnosing coronary artery disease

Verbal Communication: Hardship

This is a difficult piece that I have found throughout my lifetime.

I have a hard time trying to say what I need to say. This will always be something that is hard for me.

However; people take this as being rude and standoffish.

This is a way to make sure that I only say things that make sense.
The thought process to communication of a brain injury is not always from a point A statement to point B statement. Therefore; being aware of how communication is delivered is important.

The best advice; stick to yourself., believe in yourself. If people feel the need to bully you and belittle you based on how you are able to communicate; these people have bigger problems then you. This is not someone that is best for a survivor to associate with.

It is true; people do get a kick out of making people feel this small to avoid an issue they are dealing with. At the end of the day; realize those people have larger issues than you and you need to act bigger than them. Do not go to the level of them.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

high heels

This is something I look at all the time as I prepare to wear shoes.

Today, I normally only wear small high heels. I used to wear a lot of high heels.

I normally wear wedge high heel shoes.

The stroke side; my instance the left; the shoe will always wear down faster on a high heel. The high heel on that shoe will be at an off balance.  The shoe heel will start to slant. This is normal. Wear the shoes still but understand that you may have that incline difference on that specific heel and pair of shoe. It took me awhile to understand that.

Suggestion; Buy the padded high heel shoes with a large base and/or wedge high heels. These heels tend to take longer than the other high heels to wear down on the stroke affected shoe. This will provide the opportunity for you to wear and keep that shoe for a longer period of time.

People; do make comments to me about my high heel, my limp and about that my heel is ready to break off. It happens. The best thing to keep in mind; or what I keep in mind- Do to others as you want done to you.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


This is something that I do all the time. I repeat what I just said.

This is something to keep in mind and it is common. I have learned when I do this by social or professional awareness.

As a survivor; I believe the best suggestion is to recognize thet social and/or professional signals of awareness. The other best thing to do is what to talk to figure out what thoughts you can structure to not repeat.


I have a challenge with wearing buttons. For instance; today, I wore a button down cardigan and missed the lining up of the buttons. I went to work. I was not informed by anyone. Seeing my buttons mismatched is hard enough but being in a professional setting does not help.

Friends and family will inform but give the time needed to find the mistake. However; it changes when you are in a professional setting.

Advice; try to alter your professional wear to only have buttons on your pants. Shirts/blouses/ Jackets can be worn but with buttons that do not need to be button. Those buttons are more just for show.

Monday, October 1, 2012

eating ice cream

Eating ice cream of any type of item similar is a task. I can only have this in my hand while eating. I also use a cup holder to grab with my left hand while I use my right, full functioned hand to eat. My left hand can grasp things very tightly and cause items like ice cream/shave ice to pop out of the cup/cone.

May 2013: First Annual Golf Tournament

Funds from the tournament will provide the ability to move forward with opening a resource center. The center is primarily to provide tutoring, support group meetings, and resources for college/high school/junior high (middle school), and elementary school.

May is stroke awareness month. The tournament will be held in the San Diego County or Orange County area of California during the month.

Golfing: Therapy

This is a great therapy and sport to play and participate in as a survivor. This is also the reason why this will be the first fundraiser for the organization. The golf tournament will be in May of 2013. May is stroke awareness month.


Mazes have always been a challenge... Here is an example of one that made it difficult for me to complete with the request for me to be the leader.

The best position; a helper not a leader for mazes.

October: National Disability Month